
Showing posts from March, 2019


Prayer is usually said to be a ' communication between a person or a group of persons and God'. But it might interest you to know that the meaning of prayer can be derived from the scriptures.  When I newly gave my life to Christ and was asked to give a talk on 'Praying Without Ceasing' during a Bible study programme in a church in kaduna, I embarked on a deep personal bible study and personally discovered a comprehensive definition of prayer. The Spirit of God opened my eyes and I discovered that the definition of prayer was hidden in some verses of the scriptures and also in our 'Lords prayer' as written in Matt 6: 9-13 . However, they needed to be put together to make a comprehensive definition. The revelational definition of prayer I was led by the Spirit to discover in the scriptures, is as stated below WHAT IS PRAYER? Prayer is a communication between a person (Matt 6:6) or group of persons and God (Matt 18:20), which involves making utterances to