
Showing posts from October, 2021


PURPOSE OF THE TOPIC: 1. To enable us understand the secret behind winning spiritual warfare. 2. To enable us understand the rules of engagement in spiritual warfare. WHAT IS SPIRITUAL WARFARE? Spiritual warfare is the concept of fighting against the works of evil forces, that have come to interfere in human affairs in various ways. They interfere in our effort to obey God's command, and these forces are forces from the kingdom of darkness with satan as the head. Futhermore, these evil forces are comprised of Lucifer and other angels who were thrown down to earth because of their rebellious act in heaven (Rev 12: 7-9). WHAT IS SCRIPTURAL KNOWLEDGE Scriptural knowledge is a knowledge extracted or gained from the scriptures, which is the word of God. IS LIFE A BATTLE? Yes, life is a battle, because there are scriptural evidence that proves that life indeed is a battle. The scriptural evidence are as follows; - In Rev 12:7-9 satan was thrown down with angels who rebelled against God.


It is important for all born again christians to know that they will be hated by the world and there are reasons why they will have this experience. One of the reason is their decision to give their lives to Jesus and follow his teachings. Another reasons why born again christians will be hated by the world was mentioned by Jesus in the book of  John 15:18 saying   “If the world hates you, just remember that it has hated me first"..... So this means that you are hated not because you are you, but because you are a follower of Jesus. So is all about Jesus and not you. Satan does not want the teachings of Jesus to prevail on earth, because he knows that His teachings are capable of redeeming man from sin.  Furthermore, in John 15:19 Jesus also gave us another reason why born again christians will be hated saying.... "If you belonged to the world, then the world would love you as its own. But I chose you from this world, and you do not belong to it; that is why the world hate