
Showing posts from December, 2021


The main reason for the birth of Jesus, was for 'Him' to come into the world to save mankind. Child of God do not get it twisted. Understanding the reason behind every celebration enables you to celebrate it in line with the right spirit and reason.  FIND OUT IF YOU GOT THE BIRTH OF JESUS TWISTED: 1. Did you steal in your work place to raise money to celebrate the birth of Jesus? 2. Did you commit adultery or fornication to raise money to celebrate 'His' birth? 3. Where you driven by greed to increase price of goods and services to raise money to celebrate Jesus? 4. Did you refuse to share with others believing you don't have enough to celebrate Jesus? 5. Did you get drunk as a way of celebrating the reason for the season? 6. Did you kidnap to raise money to celebrate 'His' birth? 7. Did you kill anyone for money ritual, to raise money to celebrate the birth of Jesus? 8. Is there any other sin that does not have a name, that you committed in orde


There are possible signs that your partner is cheating on you. When you notice any of these signs, it may not necessarily mean that your partner is cheating on you. Every cheating in marriage comes with its own signs. Some of these signs reported below have been seen to manifest in the behaviour of married men and women, who were later discovered to be cheating on their spouse. Once you start seeing these signs, then you have to wait for it, it might just be it. It could be a pointer to get you to start paying attention to your spouse sudden change in behaviour. However, it is not advisable to conclude that your spouse is cheating on you when you notice these signs. But these signs shows that something is wrong and need to be addressed before things gets out of hand. POSSIBLE SIGNS YOUR SPOUSE IS CHEATING ON YOUR: 1. When they stop being jealous. 2. When they deliberately frustrate your effort to communicate with them. 3. When they become extremely careful with their choice


Unforgiveness is a spirit responsible for refreshing offence in our minds. These spirits never mean well for us. They love to remind us of the pain we experienced many years ago, with the aim of luring us into withdrawing the forgiveness we administered to those who offended us. These unforgiving spirits get upset with us when they realise that we have set our offenders free. So they come back to us, querying us in our minds, why we should forgive someone who caused us so much pain. They achieve this by speaking into our minds, asking us to call back those we have forgiven, to remind them how much pain they caused us in the past. Beware that these unforgiving spirits enjoys seeing us feel fresh pain, even when the offender has apologized for the offence they committed against us. 6 MAJOR AIMS OF UNFORGIVING SPIRITS: 1. To make you withdraw the forgiveness you have already administered to those who offended you. 2. To torment you by refreshing the pain you felt the very day