It is expected that we know our limits individually, in relation to earthly pleasure. Sometimes we think we have our limits under control, only to realize that we don't. Living our lives without self-control, may lead us into a certain level of pleasure that might turn to be ungodly.

For instance, drinking is not evil, because it is meant for man's pleasure. But when a man or woman drinks beyond his or her limit, drunkeness sets in and then it becomes a sin that can lead to more sinful activities. The bible warned how we will end up anytime we drink without limit. The book of Proverbs 20:1 says ......"Drinking too much makes you loud and foolish. It's stupid to get drunk".........

However, Proverb 20:1, did not ban us from tasting alcoholic wine, rather we were asked not to go beyond our limit. Some churches preach abstinence from alchohol with the intention of helping their members to completely eliminate the chances of getting drunk, becoming loud and foolish. 

The moment we drink excessively, it makes us loose our mind and cause us to indulge in sinful activities, like sexual harrasment of the opposite sex, fighting and other alcohol influenced behaviours. There are other pleasurable things we do which includes eating. We are also expected to control our eating habit. One might wonder why should we ever think that eating excessively is bad. The book of Proverb also addressed the issue of excessive eating in Proverb 25:16 saying..... "Never eat more honey than you need; too much may make you vomit"....... 

Eating excessively can lead to vomiting, and this signifies that one is being wasteful. We have the opportunity to share our excesses with our less priviledged neighbours rather than being wasteful. Jesus himself as Lord discouraged being wasteful when he had twelve baskets left from the miracle he performed with five loaves of bread and two pieces of fish.

In another development, the issue of self-control over our sexual urges seems to be very difficult for many. Millions of people have failed to control their sexual urges and this has led to cases of sexual abuse, unwanted pregnacy, abortion, marital conflict between couples and divorce. Today, getting married seems not be a way out for those strugggling with their sexual urges, as one can still be married but yet not satisfied with his or her partner. Most married men and women still commit adultery because they have no self-control over their sexual urges. Indulging in sex outside marriage, is the only means some married couples feel the can derive satisfaction. This is an ungodly act as a result of one's inability to control the 'self'.

We may have the passion to always please God by living a godly life, but yet lack self-control when it comes to enjoying earthly pleasure. Currently, born again christians are been misunderstand anytime they are seen making delibrate effort to reduce or cut themselves off from too much earthly pleasure. This could be their own scriptural strategy of controlling their involvement in earthly pleasure, to avoid loosing control of 'self'.

The strategy of born again christians, is in line with the teachings of Jesus in Matthew 5:29 which says.....“ So if your right eye causes you to sin, take it out and throw it away! It is much better for you to lose a part of your body than to have your whole body thrown into fire". 

Earthly pleasure is not a sin. But when certain earthly pleasures tends to be leading us into sin, then it is necessary to either reduce them or completely cut them off like Jesus adviced. Men and women are expected to know there limits and apply control measures when necessary. We all have to try and identify the level of pleasure that weakens our spirit, such that we struggle to please God. 

Reduce or completely cut off, if you have to, for the sake of your salvation. We have to be quick about this, before it is too late, to avoid getting to the level of addiction, which is a very difficult condition to handle by ourselves.

If we ask for help from above, it will be given. God knew we will need help, as weak as we are. This made him promise the coming of the Holy Spirit, who is now in our midst as a Helper, to help us manifest self-control as captured in Gal 5: 23. By the help of the Holy Spirit, we will not struggle to have self-control over earthly pleasure.

Beloved it is indeed risky to ignore this help coming from the Holy Spirit, who has been assigned to help us manifest this fruit called self-control. Man no longer have power of his own. We can only stay in control by the power of the Holy Spirit.

May you be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit to stay in control.



(By the grace of God, to the glory of God and for the good of men)


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