
Showing posts from January, 2018


Satan is one of God's creatures that has vowed to be against God's will here on earth. It is very clear that since he can't destroy God because of 'His' supremacy, he has turned to 'His' children for the purpose of deceiving them and luring them to hell. Satan is aware he has little time to destroy God's children by luring them to hell, using material things. So he understands the importance of time and takes advantage of it whenever we God's children gives him as little as a second of their lives. This is what satan does when you give him a 1 second of your life; 1. if you allow the devil for 1 second, he takes 1minute. 2. If you allow him for 1 minute, he takes 5 minutes. 3. If you allow him for 5 minutes, he takes 10 minutes. 4. If you allow him for 10 minutes, he takes 1 hour. 5. If you allow him for 1 hour, he takes the whole day. 6. If you allow him for a whole day, he takes the whole week. 7. If you allow him for 1 week, he takes the wh


There are two kinds of world in this world. One is of light while the other is of darkness . The world of light is been controlled by the power of the Holy Spirit , 'Who' possess human beings and gives them a new nature and power to operate in the world of light according to God's will. The world of darkness is been controlled by the devil (evil/demonic spirits) who possess human beings and makes them retain the old nature of sin and gives them satanic power to operate in the world of darkness according to his own will. Beloved, if we chose to be part of the world of light, no person from the world of darkness can hurt us. Why? Because light and darkness have nothing in common. Is either we are in the world of light or we are in the world of darkness. Surely we can't be in both worlds at the same time. What happens to us sometimes is that we use our God given will to sometimes walk into the light and some other times walk into the world of darkness. So we keep wa


It is either we were brought up to be corrupt, or we willingly decided to learn to be corrupt or we were forced or threatened to join the train of corruption. However you may have joined the train of corruption, you can still get out of it before it's too late. This is to avoid ending up in hell. The fact that God allows us to stay alive despite our involvement in corrupt practices, does not justify corrupt practices as part of life before men. The reason why we have been allowed to stay alive all these while is simply because someone secured for us, what we refer to as  grace . And that person is Jesus . But it will be abusive if we continue in our corrupt practices because a certain grace has been secured through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. Grace is like a movie ticket that allows us to see a movie for a specific period of time. After seeing that particular movie, we won't be allowed to use that same ticket again to see another movie.  Because the time allocated to


Beloved, it was revealed to John in Revelation 13: 18 that something calls for wisdom. And what is that? That whoever is intelligent can figure out the meaning of the number of the beast, because the number stands for the name of someone. And that number is #666. Beloved, the big question is, how are we going to figure out or decode the meaning of 666 ? As the bible says, it represents someboody's name.....So who is this person?.......Is he/she around or yet to come?..... It was reported that a man was seen with the mark of the beast (666), some time ago in Rome, but was never seen again. I personally do not know how true that story was. However, it was revealed to John in Rev 13: 7 that the beast was given authority over every tribe, nations, language and race. People worshiped him, except those whose names were written in the book of the living, before the creation of the world. That sounds scary right? But how do you and i know that our names have been written in the book of