You pray, in the morning, afternoon and night and yet it seems your prayers does not pass the roof of your house. In recent times, many Christians have formed the habit of saying additional prayers by midnight while some  chose to say theirs by 3:00am, with the believe that it is the time demonic spirits, witches and wizards operate, to attack them. Yes it is true that evil forces operate during these hours. But there is certainly nothing wrong with saying additional prayers during these said hours. However, saying extra prayers during these earlier stated hours, does not mean that your prayers will be effective. 
The question is, why are your prayers not effective, despite all effort to wake up by midnight to say extra prayers? Is an effective prayer all about the number of times you pray daily? To answer these questions, we need to understand the meaning of the word 'EFFECTIVE' and also find answers to the following questions below, by the help of the Holy Spirit.
- what is effective prayer?
 - how do I say effective prayer(s)?
- are there rules for effective prayers?
 The word 'effective' means having the power to produce a required effect or effects. It can equally mean, producing a decided or decisive effect.
What is effective prayer? 
Effective prayer is a prayer that has the power to produce a required, decided or decisive effect, according to the will of God. Therefore, the reason why your prayers are not effective is that, most times, you make utterances or often use your own words, which happens to lack power, throughout a prayer session. Therefore, the prayer ends up producing no required or decided effect.
How do say effective prayer?
Saying effective prayer is all about praying with the 'Word of God'. 
Is there any scriptural prove that praying with the word of God will make my prayer effective?The answer is Yes. Firstly, the word of God is equally the 'Will of God' and the will of God must surely come to pass as capture in 
Matthew 24: 35 ....."Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away". This simply explains that if you pray with the word of God, which is equally 'His' will, be sure your prayer will be effective enough to produce a required result. Secondly, the scripture says in Hebrew 4: 12 that...."the word of God is alive and active, sharper than any double-edged sword. It cuts all the way through, to where soul and spirit meet, to where joints and marrow come together. It judges the desires and thoughts of the heart". This is how effective praying with the word of God is. Thirdly, the word of God is an amour/weapon,  as written in Ephesians 6: 17......."And accept the word of God as the sword which the Spirit gives you". Beloved, the word of God is a sword given to you by the Spirit, and should be often used during prayer sessions to fight the enemy. Then your prayer can be effective. Fourthly, God referred to 'His' words in  Jeremiah 23: 29 as fire, and like a hammer that breaks rocks in pieces. 
Beloved, these are evidence that praying with the word of God will make your prayer effective. You might be asking yourself now, saying, 'how sure am I that all these scriptural evidence, proves that praying with the word of God is effective? Yes beloved, these evidence about the true nature of God's word, are surely feasible evidence, because God said in Isaiah 55: 11..."So also will be the word that I speak it will not fail to do what I plan for it;  it will do everything I send it to do"......
Beloved, I strongly believe Isaiah 55:11 has fired your faith up concerning praying with the word of God. If God have said that 'His' word will do everything 'He' has sent it to do, then we can be sure that praying with his word will make our prayers effective. 

Are there rules for effective prayer? 

Yes there are rules for your prayers to be effective or produce a required or decided result.  The first rule is 'Faith'. The scripture says in James 1: 6-7......"But when you pray, you must believe and not doubt at all. Whoever doubts is like a wave in the sea that is driven and blown about by the wind. People like that, unable to make up their minds and undecided in all they do, must not think that they will receive anything from the Lord"...... The scriptures said again in Hebrews 11: 6
......."No one can please God without faith, for whoever comes to God must have faith that God exists and rewards those who seek him".
Another rule to be observed for our prayers to be effective is 'Obedience'.
The scriptures says in Exodus 23: 22....."But if you obey him and do everything I command, I will fight against all your enemies".....
Furthermore, the scriptures equally said in Deuteronomy 11: 13-14.......“So then, obey the commands that I have given you today; love the Lord your God and serve him with all your heart. If you do, he will send rain on your land when it is needed, in the autumn and in the spring, so that there will be corn, wine, and olive oil for you".
Beloved, I believe that you now understand that the length of time you spend in prayers, is not a guarantee that your prayer will be effective. Effective prayers is about praying with the word of God, which equally means the 'Will' of God. But yes, there are times you don't pray or even pray without the word of God and you still receive from God. That is called favour, because although you do not deserve the favour as a result of your disobedience, God chose to give it to you, despite the fact that you didn't merit it or pray for it according to his word. Yes, that is another side of God because the scriptures says in Romans 9: 15.......For he said to Moses, “I will have mercy on anyone I wish; I will take pity on anyone I wish.”...... ....Beloved, surely we can receive favour from God out of his mercy, but the question is, how sure are you that you are the one God has singled out for such favour. I think it is better to reap as a result of your obedience and faith in God. This you can be sure. You cannot be too sure of being among those God will single out to favour out of mercy. 
Now that you know why your prayers has not been effective, will you form the habit of praying with the word of God? But do not forget, you will have to have the knowledge of God's word before you can pray with it. So it is advisable to read the scriptures daily to be conversant with God's word. Do not worry if you will be able to remember what you read in the scriptures during prayer sessions, the Holy Spirit will remind you when the time comes. Jesus said in John 14: 26......."The Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything and make you remember all that I have told you".

May God give you the grace to pray effectively always, amen. 

Written by: Bro. Alig Nnamdi  


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