It is shocking how satan tries to pull down ministers of God using false accusations, especially after several failed attempts to make them sin against God through temptation. It is important to be aware that false accusation originated from the kingdom of darkness. This is scripturally true, because Satan was referred to as 'ACCUSER OF BRETHREN' in Revelation 12:10.

False accusation is initiated by Satan through demons on his instructions. These demons (i.e. accusing spirits) posses human beings who are spiritually weak, and use them to raise false accusations against ministers of God. These accusing demons carry out satan's intructions by using church members, husbands, wives of ministers of God, to raise false accusations against them, with the aim of getting church members query the genuineness of their ministries. 

Satan gets upset when he comes across ministers of God who are spiritually strong and are doing exploits for God with their spiritual gifts. He tries to stop them from doing exploit for God, by tempting them with worldly things to distract them from carrying out God's divine assignment.
However, when these spiritually strong ministers refuse to respond to satan's temptations, satan is left with no other choice than to posses spiritually weak church members, husbands or wives of these ministers to raise false accusations against them. It is important to be aware that satan understands that raising false accusation against someone is one of the most painful experience one can have. He also understands how false accusation can destroy the image of God's ministers in public. Thus why he uses it as his last option to pull their ministries down, when his temptations has failed him.

False accusation is a trap satan have used to manipulate and provoke the emotions of many ministers of God. This satanic strategy called 'false accusation' is often used by satan to jeopardize and destroy ministries. Satan tries as much as he can to frustrate these ministers, by using their church members, husbands or wives etc, to level false accusation against them. Satan has always been intentional about making Ministers of God his major target, and his aim is to distract them, slow them down or completely stop them from winning more souls for Christ. 
It is disturbing to know that some ministers of God have ended up offending God in the process of defending false accusations levelled against them. This message will address possible ways we can overcome false accusation as ministers of God without offending God.


1. Expect False Accusation:
This strategy is proactive in nature and must be at the back of the mind of every minister of God. When you are aware that an incident will occur, you prepare for it. This will increase your chances of overcoming it. Expecting false accusation is simply being spiritually proactive. It shows that you understand that false accusation is one of the devices of the enemy. Ministers of God should not make the mistake of thinking that being a servant of God or righteous, will make satan exempt them from falsely accusations.
When you have knowledge of the devices of the enemy, you will not be taken by surprise. This is one of the reasons why Christ said in Matt 26:41 
"Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation........."
Therefore, ministers of God are adviced to be more spiritually minded and proactive, by watching and praying, to enable them remain concious of the devices of the enemy.

2. Be emotionally Intelligent:
As a minister of God, do not allow false accusation to affect your emotions. But rather be emotionally intelligent whenever any false accusation is raised against you. Remember, you already know it will come, as it keeps you a step ahead of satan, the father of all false accusations. 
Being emotionally intelligent will help you to control any outburst of anger that may occur, as a result of the false allegations levelled against you. In this context, being emotionally intelligent has to do with the ability to remain calm and composed whenever false accusation are made against you. Make no mistake, the ability to be emotionally intelligent is by the power of the Holy Spirit, who is the one that produces 'Self-Control as a fruit in us (See Galatians 5: 22-23). Being emotionally intelligent will save you from bursting into uncontrolled anger that will make you end up offending God.

3. Talk less:
You don't have to talk too much trying to defend yourself when accused falsely. This might lead you into making inaccurate statements that you think can help you talk yourself out of the false accusation. If people interested in knowing the truth realize that your statements are inaccurate, it will make them doubt your sincerity and believe that the false accusation levelled against you was true.
Always remember that false accusation is a trap stage managed by satan to make you waste so much time defending yourself for a wrong you never did. This is a distraction and must be seen as such by ministers of God, to avoid having themselves dragged into a scandal that never happened. As a minister of God you must talk less when you are accused falsely, to avoid offending God by making untrue statements in the name of trying to defend yourself.

4. Do not swear to defend yourself:
 As a minister of God, while trying to defend false accusations levelled against you, do not swear to prove your innocence. Most ministers of God are afraid of how their personal image and the reputation of their ministry will be affected, if they do not defend the false accusations levelled against them. So they quickly resort to swearing with the bible as the only way to prove their innocence. As a minister of God, you must not swear to prove your innocence over a crime you never committed. Do not forget in a hurry that God is already aware that satan is an accuser of brethren. So you don't have to swear to prove your innocence before God. Do not consider swearing as the only way to prove your innocence, simply because the society recognizes it as an acceptable means of proving one's innocence. The bible discouraged swearing and this is one error satan will love to see ministers of God make. However, Satan knows that swearing is contrary to the teachings of Jesus in Matthew 5:36-37 which says;
"And do not swear by your head, for you cannot make one hair white or black. Let your word be ‘Yes, Yes’ or ‘No, No’; anything more than this comes from the evil one".
Thus, why Satan uses false accusations to make you swear in the name of vindicating yourself in public. Satan understands how important the reputation of a minister of God means to him, so he takes advantage of it to convince these ministers in their minds, to swear before the church elders to avoid having their false accusation go viral in public. So these ministers of God, out of fear quickly present themselves before the church elders to swear with the bible, to clear the air concerning the false accusations levelled against them.
As a minister of God, whenever you are accused falsely and summoned to defend yourself, always let your 'Yes' be your 'Yes' and your 'No' be your 'No'. By doing this you will not offend God.

5. Do not adopt canal approach while handling false accusation against you:
Adopting canal approaches like fighting, quarrelling, exchange of words, revenge etc, to address false accusations levelled against you, will lead you into more sin that will offend God. As a minister of God you must remember what the scripture says in 2Cor 10:3-5;
For though we live in the world we are not carrying on a worldly war, for the weapons of our warfare are not worldly but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every proud obstacle to the knowledge of God and take every thought captive to obey Christ.
It is important to remember that Satan is a spirit. Therefore you must take spiritual measures (e.g. fasting and praying) to overcome false accusations levelled against you. This is one of the best ways to overcome false accusations, rather than using canal means and end up offending God. Satan is a spirit and it requires a spiritual approach to defeat a spirit.

6. Focus on the spirit behind the false accusation:
Ministers of God should always remember to focus on the spirit that possess people and use them as agents of false accusation. False accusations has always been a device Satan uses to pull down ministries of great ministers of God. It is scripturally advisable for a minister of God to focus on the spirit behind the false accusation, rather than the person used by satan to raise the false accusations. This has been a very difficult task for most ministers of God. But scripturally, this is the way to go, as the scriptures says in 2Cor 10:3 "For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh"
With this in mind, ministers should always remember whom to engage, to avoid offending God by fighting.

7. Do not feel guilty when satan reminds you of your past sins that God has forgiven:
Ministers of God should not forget in a hurry that satan goes about in the minds of men, revisiting their past sins. He does this with the aim of making them feel unforgiven, even after God has forgiven them their past sins. Most ministers of God feel pain, fresh guilt and disturbed in their spirit, whenever satan reminds them of their past sins. 
Ministers of God should note that satan loves to raise fresh accusations, especially when he realizes that you are no more interested in committing more sins. He does this by revisiting your past sins that God has already forgiven. He invades the minds of God's ministers to manipulate their minds to remember their past sins and make them look like newly committed sins. In some cases, when satan realizes that you are good at guiding your mind, such that he cannot penetrate, he tries to possess human beings and use them to make public your past sins that God has forgiven, with the aim of making everyone question and doubt the integrity of your ministry.
However, it is important for ministers of God to know that;
"Any fresh accusation raised over a sin God has forgiven is called FALSE  ACCUSATION" (Bro. Aligwekwe Nnamdi, 2011)

8. Pray for vindication:
As a minister of God, it is best to report every false accusation to God through prayers. Reporting such cases to God is the best way to go, rather than engaging in a physical fight with the human being Satan has used as an agent to raise false accusations against you. As a minister of God, you can never be a better fighter than God. God will fight your battle and vindicate you from every false accusation levelled against you. In the book of Exodus 14:14 the scriptures says;
"The LORD himself will fight for you. Just stay calm.”

9. Do not take your false accusers to court:
The scriptures says in Proverb 25:8;
"Don't be too quick to go to court about something you have seen. If another witness later proves you wrong, what will you do then?"
The scripture is full of wisdom. When you are accused falsely as a minister of God, do not consider charging your accusers to court. The court cannot be trusted to pass the right judgement, as satan can manipulate Judges with bribes through men to pervert and deny you justice.
When you press charges against your false accusers in court, you will end up spending all your earning, just to raise money to keep paying your attorney to appear in court as many times the court will want you to appear.
As a minister of God, know that going to court will steal the time, attention, and energy required for you to focus on your ministry to win more souls for Christ and feed the flock he handed over to you. Why bother spending money to defend yourself in court for a crime you never committed? Beware that false accusation is a device planted by satan to distabilize ministers of God and to distract them from preventing more souls from going to hell?
The only court of law you can present your case and be sure of justice is the 'Throne of God'. God cannot be bribed to pervert justice, because he is a just judge and he will never judge against the innocent.
There are various scriptural evidence that proves that the 'Throne of God' remains the only trusted court of law you can present your case and be sure of justice. 
The scriptural evidence are as follows;
Psalm 9:7-8 
But the Lord sits enthroned forever, he has established his throne for judgment; and he judges the world with righteousness, he judges the peoples with equity.
Job 34:12
Of a truth, God will not do wickedly, and the Almighty will not pervert justice.
Deuteronomy 32:4
“The Rock! His work is perfect,
For all His ways are just; A God of faithfulness and without injustice,
Righteous and upright is He".

Therefore, ministers of God should form the habit of presenting any false accusation levelled against them before the Throne of God, where they can be sure of justice. Judges can be manipulated to delay justice in a court of law, until all your earnings are spent on your defence attorney. As for vengeance, it must be left for God as the scripture says in Romans 12:19;
Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God; for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.”
As a minister of God who is a follower of Christ, you must not forget that your master Jesus was also accused falsely during his ministry on earth. Remember, satan wanted to use men to pull down the ministry of Jesus. Therefore, it is important to note that if your master (Jesus) was accused falsely, they will do it to you too. In the words of our master Jesus in John 15:20-21;
Remember the word that I said to you, ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will persecute you; if they kept my word, they will keep yours also. But all this they will do to you on my account, because they do not know him who sent me.

Dear minister of God, be of good cheer, for you will share in the vindication of Christ. You can trust that God will ensure vengeance is administered to your false accusers, if they do not repent and withdraw their false accusation against you.

May God give you the grace to wait on His judgement.

Written and Published By 
(To the glory of God and for the good of men) 


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