
Showing posts from September, 2021


Marriage is a holy institution established by God and is expected to be treated as such. Most cases of divorce in the world today, was as a result of unfaithfulness. Some married men and women may likely not make Heaven, looking at what Apostle Paul said in  Hebrews 13: 14 , ..... 14  "Marriage is to be  honoured by all , and husbands and wives must be  faithful  to each other. God will  judge  those who are  immoral  and those who commit  adultery." To intepret  Hebrew 13:14  for better understanding, we need to pay attention to some key words and phrase in this scriptural reference like, ' Honoured by all'.....  ' Faithfulness' 'Judge'....'Immoral' and ' Adultery'. HONOURED BY ALL: The phrase here  'Honoured by all' , implies that marriage should be honoured, not only by the couple involved, but by every other person outside the marriage, which may include family members, neighbours, friends etc. God expects us to honour o


It is expected that we know our limits individually, in relation to earthly pleasure. Sometimes we think we have our limits under control, only to realize that we don't. Living our lives without  self-control , may lead us into a certain level of pleasure that might turn to be ungodly. For instance, drinking is not evil, because it is meant for man's pleasure. But when a man or woman drinks beyond his or her limit, drunkeness sets in and then it becomes a sin that can lead to more sinful activities. The bible warned how we will end up anytime we drink without limit. The book of  Proverbs 20:1 says ......"Drinking too much makes you loud and foolish. It's stupid to get drunk"......... However, Proverb 20:1, did not ban us from tasting alcoholic wine, rather we were asked not to go beyond our limit. Some churches preach abstinence from alchohol with the intention of helping their members to completely eliminate the chances of getting drunk, becoming loud and foolish