
Showing posts from January, 2022


It is true that no two individuals are the same, as a result of factors that has strongly contributed to our individual differences. One of such factors is family background/upbringing and it is one of the strongest factors that has contributed in shaping our behaviour. In the past and in recent times, many marriages have collapsed, some in seperation, divorce and some leading a the death of a partner. This has happened because of how individual differences were managed by some  married couples.  Marital conflict is normal in marriage, because of the inevitable individual differences that occassionally q1 among married couples. Conflicts in marriage should not be allowed to escalate beyond normal, to avoid seperation of couples in marriage, divorce or death of a partner, as the case maybe. This brings us to the topic of this message,  THE POWER OF SAYING 'I AM SORRY'.  The use of the phrase, ' I AM SORRY ' have saved millions of marriages in the past, recent