It is true that no two individuals are the same, as a result of factors that has strongly contributed to our individual differences. One of such factors is family background/upbringing and it is one of the strongest factors that has contributed in shaping our behaviour.
In the past and in recent times, many marriages have collapsed, some in seperation, divorce and some leading a the death of a partner. This has happened because of how individual differences were managed by some  married couples. 
Marital conflict is normal in marriage, because of the inevitable individual differences that occassionally q1 among married couples. Conflicts in marriage should not be allowed to escalate beyond normal, to avoid seperation of couples in marriage, divorce or death of a partner, as the case maybe.

This brings us to the topic of this message, THE POWER OF SAYING 'I AM SORRY'. The use of the phrase, 'I AM SORRY' have saved millions of marriages in the past, recent times and still counting. Some of the offensive behaviours we exhibit towards our spouse in marriage is linked to our family background/upbringing. This is because, family background strongly contributes in shaping our behavioural pattern.
However, we cannot completely stop offence from occuring in marriage, but we can prevent the offence from escalating beyond our control with these three letter words, 'I AM SORRY'. It is a powerful phrase that has the ability to soften the heart of our spouse to forgive us when we offend them. Saying the word 'I AM SORRY' when you offend your spouse, can open the door for renewal of friendship with your spouse. Saying 'I AM SORRY' has the capacity to fix your relationship with your spouse quickly, get the both of you talking again and feeling comfortable with each other after an offence.
Saying 'I AM SORRY' shows that you value and cherish your relationship with your spouse and want it to continue. Saying 'I AM SORRY' is healthy for marriage. It can reopen the door of the heart of an offended spouse and restore the flow of affection between couples. Saying 'I AM SORRY' has the capacity to sustain marriage, no matter the frequency of offence committed. 
To save ourselves from unhappy and regretable marriage experiences like seperation, divorce, death of partner or single parenthood, married couples are encouraged to often say 'I AM SORRY as many times as they offend their partners, to avoid escalating marital conflict in their marriage. 
If you learn to say 'i am sorry' whenever you offend your spouse, you will witness the power of saying 'I AM SORRY' in your marriage as highlighted below.


1. Saying 'i am sorry' restores friendship in marriage.

2. Saying 'i am sorry' is a very fast healing pill that can heal wounds created in the heart by an offence.

3. Saying 'i am sorry' passes a message that the offence committed was not delibrate.

4. Saying 'i am sorry' lubricates the heart of the offended to start flowing in love after an offence.

5. Saying 'i am sorry' opens the door for a second chance.

6. Saying 'i am sorry' renews trust.

7. Saying 'i am sorry' calms down the temper of the person offended.

8. Saying 'i am sorry' is a sign that the offender wants the relationship to continue. Though not always the case.

9. Saying 'i am sorry' fast tracks reconciliation.

10. Saying 'i am sorry' erases the thought of inviting a third party.

11. Saying 'i am sorry' restores emotional connection between couples.

12. Saying 'i am sorry' softens the heart of an offended partner to let go.

The three letter words 'i am sorry' can do much more than you have just read. The power of 'i am sorry' lies on the geninuiness of the apology. Consistent repetition of same old offence towards your spouse can weaken the power of 'I AM SORRY'. This is because your spouse will doubt if you were really sorry the very first day you apologised for that particular offence.
Some married men and women use only gift items to apologize to their partner. This might be a sign of pride and may not be affective to mend a broken heart. If you must use gift items to apologize to your partner, it will be more effective if accompanied with a verbal apology like 'I AM SORRY'. A genuine remorseful spouse, naturally will always want to express how sorry he or she is, when he or she offends his or her partner and would always want to convince and reassure his or her partner beyond reasonable doubt, that the offence committed was not delibrate and will not be repeated again. 

Married couples should understand the power of these three letter words 'I AM SORRY' and develope the habit of using it, anytime they offend their partners
Remember, these three magical words 'I AM SORRY have saved millions of marriages from seperation, divorce or even death of partner. 
Haven read this message, the ball is now on your court.
Learn to say 'I AM SORRY', that the wine of your marriage may remain sweet and fresh.

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