I, the Lord of host ask you my children, why have you created a system of believe that have disorganized the instructions I gave you to ensure you enjoy your marriage and experience a 'Happy Ever After'.
Your marriage started having problems when you started fighting over roles. I have already shared roles between husbands and wives. Husbands and wives, why fight over roles that I have already shared. 
I am God, well organized and more than meticulous. 

Anytime my creatures play their roles as i have instructed them, they speak of how organized I am as God. Animals were given roles by me and they obey my instructions. Have you seen a hen (i.e. female fowl) crow early in the morning, when the cock (i.e. male fowl) is around? I gave the cock the role to crow in the morning onbehalf of the entire fowl family and the hen have never dragged such role with the cock. On the other hand, I gave the hen the role of covering its children with its feather, when the hawk is hungry and wants to carry them away for lunch. Have you ever seen a cock (male fowl) covering chickens with its feather when is raining? The cock will never do that because he knows how I shared roles.

Now to you humans, whom I created in my own image and likeness, higher animals as you call yourselves, why have you decided to drag roles as husbands and wives. Husbands and wives why have you rearranged roles different from the way I shared it among you both. Husbands why have you abandoned your roles? Wives why do you drag roles with your husbands. Are you saying I the Lord made errors when I shared roles among the both of you?

Most marriages i the Lord was asked to bless are currently having problems because one of the couples or both have refused to play their role(s). Let me remind you, husbands and wives, every role i shared has the grace, strength and ability that comes with it. When i the Lord gave husbands the role to provide for their family, i gave them the physique and muscles to work for what their family will eat. When i gave wives the role to get pregnant and bear children, i gave them womb, divine grace, strength and ability to carry out this assignment of procreation. If i had wanted the husbands to play that role, i would have given them womb to do same. But i choose you the wife to have that priviledge of being the one to harbour generations in your womb. What a priviledge. I gave wives divine grace, strength and ability to carry their child for nine months in their womb.

Husbands should not complain about how difficult it is to provide, remember, that was the punishment i gave you for eating the forbiden fruit. Also, wives should not query why they must carry their offspirng for nine months and deliver in pain, remember, that was the punishment i gave you for also eating the forbidden fruit. No one of you should complain, rather you should ask me for mercy and divine strength to help you play the divine role that i have assigned to you both.

I want you to know my children (husbands and wives) that all gender roles are important like the other. Non is greater than the other. Do not compare the roles i gave you both. Every role comes with divine ability. Husbands, never you compare your strength with that of your wife, i deliberately made you a stronger vessel for you to protect her. Wives never you say to your husbands, 'can you carry a child for nine months'?. If i have given them womb, they will do it better than you do, because they are stronger vessels. 

Even though i called you wives the weaker vessels, i still miraculously used you to manifest divine strength, by making you have the exclusive ability to harbour babies in your womb for nine months and deliver them by my divine strength. Wives, I gave you the divine ability to carry out this role to the glory of my name. 
Husbands, do not use your ability against your wives. Wives do not use your ability against your husbands. This will be an act of deviation from my original WILL for you both.

Husbands and wives, it is my 'WILL" as God, to have you appreciate and focus on the priviledge i gave you to be a husband or wife and the divine ability i gave you both to carry out your roles with joy. It is unjust to compare your role with that of your spouse. 
I the Lord have done these as it pleases me and i make no mistake, because i am a perfect God with variety.

My beloved children, when your role weighs you down, ask me for help and i will come to your rescue. I do not take pleasure in the sufferings of my children.
I am your God and i will be with you in times of weakness. Compare not your roles with that of your spouse and stay focus in playing your roles as i shared them.

Written & Published By
(By the inspiration of the Holy Spirit)


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