
Showing posts from July, 2024


Not all vulnerable people are just before God. Being vulnerable is not an escape route away from God's judgement and punishment. Vulnerability is a condition that should reawaken our consciousness of the need to run back to God as our shepherd and submit ourselves to 'Him' as 'His' sheep. Especially after 'He' has declared himself as our good shepherd in John 10:11 saying,  "I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep" . Vulnerability is not an endorsement that vulnerable people are good or innocent. The society often sees vulnerable people as innocent and most times grant them waiver whenever they commit crime all in the name of empathy. It is godly to show empathy towards those who are vulnerable, because their condition is not a pleasant one and infact requires our attention. But unfortunately, the vulnerable are not always who we think they are even in their disadvantaged condition. This is because the