

Not all vulnerable people are just before God. Being vulnerable is not an escape route away from God's judgement and punishment. Vulnerability is a condition that should reawaken our consciousness of the need to run back to God as our shepherd and submit ourselves to 'Him' as 'His' sheep. Especially after 'He' has declared himself as our good shepherd in John 10:11 saying,  "I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep" . Vulnerability is not an endorsement that vulnerable people are good or innocent. The society often sees vulnerable people as innocent and most times grant them waiver whenever they commit crime all in the name of empathy. It is godly to show empathy towards those who are vulnerable, because their condition is not a pleasant one and infact requires our attention. But unfortunately, the vulnerable are not always who we think they are even in their disadvantaged condition. This is because the


I, the Lord of host ask you my children, why have you created a system of believe that have disorganized the instructions I gave you to ensure you enjoy your marriage and experience a 'Happy Ever After'. Your marriage started having problems when you started fighting over roles. I have already shared roles between husbands and wives. Husbands and wives, why fight over roles that I have already shared.  I am God, well organized and more than meticulous.  Anytime my creatures play their roles as i have instructed them, they speak of how organized I am as God. Animals were given roles by me and they obey my instructions. Have you seen a hen (i.e. female fowl) crow early in the morning, when the cock (i.e. male fowl) is around? I gave the cock the role to crow in the morning onbehalf of the entire fowl family and the hen have never dragged such role with the cock. On the other hand, I gave the hen the role of covering its children with its feather, when the hawk is hung


Charms are devices with diabolic powers, prepared by satan, through diabolic native doctors to grant the request of desperate humans, who have trust issues with God and have lost total confidence in God's ability to grant their request. Charms are used by people who think God is not quick enough to grant their heart desires. Therefore, they make up their minds to pledge their loyalty to satan, who they run to for diabolic device called CHARM  that will give them satanic powers to have access to places to get what they cannot ordinarily get with human effort. Indeed there are reasons why people should never think of securing charms for themselves for whatever reason. This is because of the consequences related to the use of charms. Below are 15 consequences of using charms.  15 CONSEQUENCES OF USING CHARMS 1. YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO QUIT ONES YOU START Those who step their feet into the shrine of a native doctor for the first time, are usually not allowed to quit or re


Have you done something that you think is unforgivable? Beloved, cry no more because God has not condemned you yet. The only group of persons that has been judged by God is satan and his fellow fallen angels. Be reminded that satan is the one that keeps refreshing your past sins in your mind, to make you feel condemned like him, when God has not yet passed judgement on you or condemned you for your sins. Beloved, if you have made huge errors or committed shameful sins in the past, such that you feel and think they can never be forgiven by God, then this message is for you.  This message is designed to seperate you from those satanic voices that keeps whispering into your mind, saying ' GOD CAN NEVER FORGIVE YOU AGAIN '. Beloved, you have to know that the aim of these satanic voices is to keep refreshing in your minds, memories of your past sins or mistakes, to make you live with guilt and condemnation for the rest of your life. Do not forget, satan has been judged a


 I may be a member of the Catholic church but yet i do not live a holy life that will qualify me to recieve the body of Christ any day i attend Holy Mass. I may be a member of the Redeem Christian Church but yet i have not been redeemed. I may be a member of the Living Faith Church, but yet i am not living the faith. I may say i attend Winners Chapel but yet i am not a winner. I may be a member of the Deeper Life Church, but my life is not deep in Christ. I may be a member of Mountain of Fire Church, but my fire has gone down. I may be a member of Christ Embassy, but yet i have not secured visa to Heaven. I may be a member of the Chosen church, but yet i do not live a life that shows that i have been chosen. I may be a member of the Assembly of God Church, but yet i avoid the assembly of God's children. I may be a member of the Sabbath Church, but yet i do not keep the sabbath day holy. I may be a member of the Cherubim and Seraphim, but yet I can neither sing nor dance for the Lor


My dear sisters, I advice you today with all sense of humility. Do not believe or act on the slogan that says "I DON'T PUT MY EGGS IN ONE BASKET". The true reason why larger percentage of single ladies have decided not to put their eggs in one basket, is as a result of the fear of being disappointed by that one man they are dating.  If a lady decides to put her eggs in 5 baskets (i.e. dating 5 men) because of fear of being disappointed by 4 men out of the 5 men, the question is....What if all those 5 baskets (i.e. men) are all bad? ....... Surely the lady will still end up picking one of her eggs from one of the 5 bad baskets. This will definitely result to choosing and marrying a bad husband.  This understanding was given to me when I was sharing the word of God with a few persons. I have never thought about this, but truly the message dropped into my heart at that moment and I had to let it out. My beloved single sisters, the gospel truth is that, if you have 1-5 basket


Social Media is defined as websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking. Many people have questioned the emergence of social media and how much its introduction has done to the world negatively. But the big question remains, is social media GOOD or BAD ? The truth is that social media is not human and has no capacity on its own to cause problems in the society. Social media is a THING  and not  HUMAN. Social media is an innocent platform and has done nothing wrong. It is simply a platform created by humans for networking for the good reasons.  Social media is a virgin platform created and controlled by humans who determine what it projects to the world. Is like a virgin land waiting for a man or woman to cultivate on it. What we garbage in, is what we will garbage out. If you post evil on social media it will project evil, likewise if you post good, it will project good. However, there are 2 major ca